A Fresh Look
These past few months, I have been contemplating a fresh look for my site. In the short 24 months SO much has transpired, so I thought “Why not? New year, new goals, new intentions.
When I started this journey, I had absolutely no idea where it would end up. I thought, “Maybe no one will read it,” and “Wouldn’t it be great if someone did and it helped?”
Almost two years to the day, I went “live” with my online journal.
Then, BAM! Within months, thousands of loyal readers and enthusiastic followers. Oh, how I love you all!
I never saw that coming, thank you. I still cannot believe verbal vomiting would resonate with so many of you. There is a little bit of my story in all of us!
You laughed with me, cried with me, but most importantly you celebrated me.
It has been such an honor to become an Ambassador for Intelligent Change and Amazon. We have so much in the works I am nearly drowning! But it’s all worth it because we are worth it. We are worthy of change.
I will be focusing so much more on helping you reach attainable goals through curated finds. Wellness advice, helpful tips for an organized life, and motivation to keep building a mindful lifestyle.