I have accepted a book deal. Yes, you have read that correctly.

I am honored, flattered, petrified, and excited all at once. It might be the perfect combination.
I waited to make this announcement until I spoke to those closest to me.
Or maybe I needed some reassurance that I actually had something to say?
Or maybe I needed Ms. Insecurity to STFU, again.
I am indeed a combination of flattered and petrified, definitely excited!
I really don’t like when that snake infiltrates my thoughts, but I am still human and it happens.
The crazy CRAZY coincidence? Everything in my life seems to come in variables of 11. Good and bad. I have promised to be finished by Summer/Fall 20-TWENTY TWO.
Here I go, time to travel to my most beloved spots on the globe and give this book all that I have.
Wish me luck, I think I might need it.

©2021 All Rights Reserved, Alison M. Cameron Co.
2 thoughts on “Ms. Insecurity Crept up on me, so I told her to STFU.”